Google Announce A New AdWords User Interface | Varn


30 March 2016

Google Announce A New AdWords User Interface

Google AdWords has provided an effective pay-per-click marketing engine for companies all over the world. Its success and wide usage has no doubt given Google the confidence to leave it be with the steadfast logic of ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’

However, with an ever changing digital environment it was only a matter of time before Google decided to see how improvements could be made with an overhaul of the interface.

On 28 March, major changes were announced to the Google AdWords design.

Adapting To A Multiscreen World

The changes have a lot to do with the fact that more people use smartphones than desktop computers for accessing Google. New data-points have been included in the redesign that will indicate how much traffic is derived from mobile and which ads work the best, with an emphasis on graphical representation.

The intention, says Google, is to improve the way marketers can run marketing campaigns across different devices. As AdWords Product Management Director, Paul Feng said: “This is a multiscreen world and that means a lot of advertisers will be able to reach their users whether they are on YouTube, browsing on a tablet or if they are using Google Maps… The goal is for advertisers to reach their consumer with a message, not because they understand the intricacies of search.”

New User Interface Is More Google-y

There was concern by the powers that be at Google that the old user interface was looking a little out of date and over complex. The new AdWords interface features Google’s Material Design which has design elements that can also be found in apps like Gmail, search and Maps.

There will be no extra cost for adopting the new user interface and there is no need to migrate or upgrade currently running campaigns, according to Google. Advertisers are being selected by Google over the course of this year and 2017 to provide feedback on the changes.

For more information on Google’s updates and changes or to develop your website to align to best SEO practices, contact the team at Varn.

Article by: Tom, CEO of Varn More articles by Tom

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